
The function of bicycles has changed from transportation to sports and leisure, from affordable to high-quality, and from popular to lifestyle culture.
The bicycle industry is "moving from production-oriented to service-oriented".
Nowadays, the value is enhanced by "integration and service and digital transformation".

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Environmental Reform

"Anti-warming" and "carbon reduction" are the common language of the 21st century. The installation of solar power systems by enterprises can be used as a significant landmark for buildings, and can also show that enterprises attach importance to green energy and environmental protection, enhance environmental quality and sustainability value, and increase their green brand benefits.

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Energy Management

The production process will inevitably cause a burden on the environment. EPILEDS strives to produce in a way that consumes the least amount of energy and has the least impact on the environment, and actively promotes the use of renewable energy to produce and continuously improves the recycling and treatment of waste in the production process to create an environmentally friendly production process.

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Digitalization is fundamentally changing the manufacturing industry, and many companies have already started to implement innovative technologies.

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Good Together Project

Promote corporate adoption of the surrounding campuses. In addition to telling stories in schools, we also set up corporate corners, including interactive large water conservation game zones and water conservation book counters.

Environmental Reform

"Anti-warming" and "carbon reduction" are the common language of the 21st century. The installation of solar power systems by enterprises can be used as a significant landmark for buildings, and can also show that enterprises attach importance to green energy and environmental protection, enhance environmental quality and sustainability value, and increase their green brand benefits.

Environmentally Friendly Packaging
Cycling is very environmentally friendly and VP is a company that produces bicycle parts, so for a company that promotes cycling, it makes no sense to package their products in an environmentally unfriendly way.  

The bicycle industry is part of the outdoor industry, and the outdoor industry has a major problem with the use of waste plastics (especially plastic bags) in packaging. Although plastic bags are technically "recyclable," they are widely rejected at recycling centers.

Just because a material can break down and become a recycled version of itself does not mean that any recycling center will accept it. If recycling centers can't find a market for recycled materials, they won't recycle them. 
While VP has not yet fully gone green, we have made some significant changes to our packaging in the last year to be more environmentally friendly, and we plan to make more changes. It does take some time to implement such changes to any operation!

Our new packaging is made from 100% recycled cardboard. It's not flashy - in fact, we think its sole purpose is to deliver products to customers in a safe and secure manner, because it's what's inside the package that really counts.
EPILEDS has been recognized by SBTi
Currently, SBTi's carbon reduction targets can be categorized into near-term emission reductions and long-term net-zero targets, with the near-term target being 5-10 years and the long-term target being before 2050.
The CDP Carbon Disclosure Questionnaire lists whether or not a company has adopted SBTi as one of the scoring items. In order to receive a higher score from CDP, a number of companies in Taiwan have already responded to the questionnaire and committed to setting up scientifically based carbon reduction targets as follows:
Company:VP Components Co.
  • Year of Entry:2023
  • Commitment/Target Approved:Setting a target of 1.5°C warming by 2030.
  • Other Remarks:VP components has committed to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by 42% by 2030 from the 2020 base year.
  • VP components also commits to reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services by 25% over the same time period.
Cultural Reform
  • Toward Manufacturing Service
  • Establishment of Factory Intelligent Data Flow Integration Platform
  • Administrative Efficiency - Punch Card System
  • Administrative efficiency - leave system E
  • Management standard - Mobile management
  • Supplier EC platform process improvement
  • MES weighing barcode system. Real-time completion and inventory
Environmental Monitoring
  • Digitalization of equipment counting and documentation is the beginning of big data collection
  • ISO-14064 Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Environmental Reform
  • 10% (650,000 kWh) of green power has been purchased in 2022
  • SD's blueprint for the next 3 years
  • 30% of green power expected to be purchased in 2023
  • Green power purchase to 50% by 2024
  • Green power purchase to 70% by 2025

Energy Management

The production process will inevitably cause a burden on the environment. EPILEDS strives to produce in a way that consumes the least amount of energy and has the least impact on the environment, and actively promotes the use of renewable energy to produce and continuously improves the recycling and treatment of waste in the production process to create an environmentally friendly production process.

Solar Power Generation Monitoring
  • It is easy to save electricity and reduce temperature. Solar panels can effectively block solar heat and reduce the room temperature of the top floor by 2 to 4 degrees, which can save about 15% of air-conditioning electricity.
  • "Anti-warming" and "carbon reduction" are the common language of the 21st century, and the installation of solar power systems in enterprises can be used as a significant landmark of the building, which can also show that enterprises attach importance to green energy and environmental protection, enhance environmental quality and sustainable value, and increase the green brand benefits of enterprises.
Process Wastewater Ecosystem Monitoring System
Through monitoring, we can grasp wastewater discharge dynamics and detect abnormalities early. Or set up a wastewater monitoring management system, using big data analysis, to help real-time remote monitoring and abnormality warning.
Chemical classification management operations
  • Chemical import system for fast priority management of chemicals and classification management
  • Replace controlled chemicals with aluminum alloy cleaning agents to reduce risk of hazards


Digitalization is fundamentally changing the manufacturing industry, and many companies have already started to implement innovative technologies.

Production resume
  • Digital inspection GEMBA WALK and the international well-known intelligent factory management integration system provider [PIMQ], to build various intelligent management system
  • Managers ensure the correct execution of S.O.P. and abnormality control by personnel
  • Transparency of shift handover and quick search of historical data in the field
  • Managers can grasp information and make real-time decisions in 10 seconds - replacing traditional paper, telephone, communication software, and verbal communication
  • Enterprise big data establishment - establish teacher maintenance experience, correct record of equipment abnormalities and maintenance records
  • Field personnel and maintenance personnel ability to upgrade - historical maintenance data search recommendation, small AI assistance, the beginning of deep learning
MES Integration
  • Abnormal warning system
  • Effective big data collection, prepare for the future on-site production electronic signage
  • Equipment crop rate management
Equipment Automation
  • Visually Guided Robots
  • Visual Positioning System
  •  Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI)
  • Automatic Test Equipment (ATE)
Equipment networking and efficiency optimization
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Reorganization and optimization of workflow through ERP upgrade
  • Integrate supplier platform synergy to improve communication efficiency, no information leakage
  • Smart Energy Management System
  • Wastewater E-monitoring

Good Together Project

Promote corporate adoption of the surrounding campuses. In addition to telling stories in schools, we also set up corporate corners, including interactive large water conservation game zones and water conservation book counters.

Corporate representatives donated to the school with love and care, and Iron Mountain Elementary School's nutritious lunch was officially launched.

The free nutritious lunch for all students was officially launched after the efforts of Tie Shan Mayor Liu Chen and the response of the corporate sector and public opinion representatives.
Liu said that Wai Po is located in a remote area, and the people of the district generally rely on agriculture as their main income and live in hardship. For the next generation to have a good and secure education, he believes that nutritious lunch is the main item for students to attend school.
In the hope that the donation will have the effect of throwing a brick to catch a jade, after which only students attending the school nutritious lunch will be free.
Health Promotion Life
  • Every month, we have a meal day
  • Staff quarters available
Water Conservation Education Takes Root, Taiwan Together for Good Project
The "Water Conservation Education Rooted in Taiwan Project" promotes corporate adoption of surrounding campuses. In addition to telling stories in schools, we have also set up corporate corners, including interactive large water conservation games and water conservation book counters, to reach out to campuses and let more children know about water conservation.
